​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Sprague Lake to Boulder Brook Loop
24 June 2018

My 2nd attempt in 2 weeks of the Boulder Brook Loop in Rocky Mountain National Park.

This time, Gary came.  We got to the Sprague Lake Trailhead at 8:30, a whole hour earlier than I did last week.  Chilly at the car, only 45 degrees!  Brrrr!  Glad I brought my long john top and bottom and I put both on. 

Up the trail we go, picking up the Boulder Brook Trail.  Up & up we go.  This trail is quite strenuous, a good workout!  I am glad it’s not hot.  At one of these stream crossings, many years ago, that I took a picture of icicles hanging off the log crossing the stream. 

After the 3rd crossing, the trail continues up & up & up.  The trail seems to be at its steepest at the bottom and levels off after the 3rd cross but its still an uphill pull.

Last week, by noon, a steady rain began falling and I turned back.  Today, its been overcast and threatening and finally does start to rain, hard enough for us to put on jackets but it does not become quite steady, more like a light mist.  We discuss turning around but decide to continue and catch a ride on the Glacier Gorge shuttle back to the car. 

Soon we pass a sign for a backcountry camp, then another.  This would be a cool backpacking destination and decide that starting at Glacier Gorge would be the preferred direction.  On we go and eventually are at the North Longs Peak Trail.  The time is 11 and we have been hiking for just over 2 hours.

The North Longs Peak Trail is downhill, a welcome relief.  Down and down we go, eventually coming to a major stream crossing with a sturdy footbridge.  This stream has lots of downed trees and the  stream itself almost looks sterilized from the flood 0f 2013.  We continue down.

The clouds are really low today and socked in today so not much in the way of panoramic views though eventually we can see Tyndall Glacier.

It is approaching noon and the sun is out.  Gary finds a warm, dry rock and we have a bite for lunch.  We don’t stop long as there is a breeze and it is a little chilly so we pack up and continue our trek. 

The next highlight is another footbridge over another gorge; this one is lined with rock walls.  I try taking a picture but, as always, cannot get any perspective.

It’s raining again.  Next stop is the junction with the Glacier Gorge Trail.  We have another 1.7 miles to the trailhead.  The rain is steady with light hail & snow.  Its been a long time since I’ve hiked in the mountains in June with snow!

We continue down.  The next highlight is Alberta Falls and I take another picture though I am missing my manual camera.

The rain continues and we continue down.  Gary waits at the next junction and we hike to the Glacier Gorge Trailhead…which is actually a long way, maybe ½ mile from the main trail.  It would be 2.8 miles to our car if we did not take the shuttle which drops us off at the Bierstadt Lake Trail.  We hike another 1/3 mile to the Storm Pass Trailhead then almost a mile to Sprague Lake. 

I am happy to see the car.  The best thing about hiking is getting to take your boots off!

Time out:  8:45 – 1:45 so 5 hours, including lunch.  A great hike!