​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Forlorn Lakes WA

08 September 2013 - 15 September 2013

Forlorn Lakes near Trout Creek WA

Another of our annual camping and hiking out, this one to Forlorn Lakes Washington.  Our base camp was Forlorn Lake which I paddled on daily and we swam daily here or another of the close by Forlorn Lakes.  This area is along the Pacific Crest Trail.  There is one hike we started but did not finish which went up and tops out at an old caldera.  Another day we explored bits of an old lava tube. And we also drove down to nearby Goose Lake which was a bit bigger.  One of the trees in the campground gave up the ghost and fell over. 

This was the week that Lyons Colorado and much of the northern front range suffered a severe flood.