​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Trail Ridge Road

16 March 2014

A new destination today:  We park where Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park is closed and ski up the road.

Our original plan was to ski up the Fall River Road.  But once we got to that parking area, it was pretty obvious that we’d be carrying our skis for quite a long ways.  So back in the car we go.  Gary suggested an alternative of Trail Ridge Road, so we back-tracked to Hwy 36 and then turned west on Trail Ridge.

Another point of interest we passed was the old Hidden Valley ski area.  We’d gone there a number of years ago but seems like it is better for climbing up and practicing turns than for touring.

So we bypassed Hidden Valley and continued up Trail Ridge to the closure area.  Parking was ample though there were already a number of cars there.  A quick peek beyond the gate showed plenty of snow for skiing – yee haa!

We donned our skis and packs and headed up.  Gary stopped to wax his skis, putting on some purple extra.  I did a quick test of my ironed on blue and decided it was not nearly enough.  Added blue extra and tested then added purple special.  I gave that a try but before long stopped again and put purple underfoot.  Now, both of us properly waxed, and we are underway.

Within minutes, there is a vista with a wondrous view down into horseshoe park so I stop and take pictures then turn and continue uphill.  I move along but find myself breathing fairly hard so try taking smaller steps…in addition it’s windy and I try not to face directly into the wind. 

This is really a nice ski along a good road on an even grade that continues up and up.  There are a couple of windblown spots free of snow but they are short and we step lightly unto the pavement.

The sun is out, the sky is blue without a cloud.  It is windy, enough to push the snow around but at this point the snow is mostly consolidated and thus we are spared white-out conditions. 

This route is really a pleasure to ski.  I have driven this road once or twice but this slower pace is definitely preferable.  Up ahead is a gulch that seems to move westward, up and over the divide.  Looking east are many rock outcroppings and those of Lumpy Ridge especially notable.

I continue on and try to think about how I would describe this trip, first verbally:  the constancy of the wind; second visually:  the undulating snow, and the ski tracks, now single, now two sets. 

I am ready for a break so stop and get out my pop-tarts for a snack and get some water.  Gary continues on.  I eat, then take pictures.

Gary stops to clean some of the wax from his skis.  I continue on, then hear him shout and turn to look…to ski his binding separate from his ski, not good news.

So we turn and head back:  he on 1 ski, I on two.  Actually I glide back – this road has enough of a pitch for me to just point my skis downhill and go. 

It takes longer to get back to the car than I would imagine.

A good day out.  Hopefully, touring is not over for the year.