​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

North Fork Trail 

10 July  2016

Note:  Photos are from a hike up this trail in 2012

From the Dunraven Trailhead

The weather has turned hot here finally and we are both tired and lethargic.  Gary spent a good deal of the day yesterday taking apart wood crates.  I had done some work on my website after doing a few household tasks that seemed to take forever.

We slept a little late but got up about 7 and were hiking up the trail at 9:45.  WE went up Hwy 36 to Estes – not too much traffic at 8 AM – then past the Stanley Hotel to Devil’s Gulch Road and past the Twin Owls and Gem Lake Trailhead; McGraw Ranch had its ‘full’ sign up, as expected.

We started to see signs mentioning road construction for Monday to Sunday but it was not clear as to which Monday or which Sunday.

As we approached the Glen Haven Store, we are stopped for 20 minutes or so, waiting for the pilot car to show us the way.  They are re-building the road, making it higher and wider and re-doing all the stream crossings.  Glen Haven was very hard hit by the September 2013 flood.

Finally, we are at the Dunraven Road, turn, and head up the Trailhead.  Both the Bulwark Ridge and the North Fork trail are open.  We put on shoes, arrange packs and head up the trail and immediately notice how hot it is!

There is a new bridge and the trail has been reworked in several places.  The camp seems to have fared ok, though I expect they had already shut down for the season before the flood actually occurred.

We go up and up.  At I point I mention I am hurting but Gary wants to continue so we do and I am rewarded with sego lilies! 

We have lunch and turn back.  I am definitely lethargic and toss some Gatorade into the water bladder which I am convinced saved my life.  I keep wanting to rest.  At one point we do but my ankles freeze up.  I cry.  This hurts.  This is not fun.  I start walking, very slowly, and the pain subsides.

Slowly, finally, I am at the last bridge crossing and head uphill to the trailhead.  And a hummingbird buzzes by.  Yippe!

And finally I am at the car.  This is a bit scary!