​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Red Canyon East

27 April 2005

This is the 2nd time we’ve tried this.  Our original goal for this trip was to do the Red Canyon Loop west to east.  But that did not happen, so we did the east canyon.

This is a lovely hike up a wash, easy to follow and not much in the way of obstacles to avoid.  There are several side canyons and alcoves to peer into.  There is a major split in the canyon -- take the left branch.  Continue up the wash.  This year, the wash bottom was filled with grass so we scooted up the side then back down into the center of the wash. 

Finally we reach the last split in the canyon.  High up on the right, there is a formation that looks like a duck’s bill.  Whether or not this is the duck’s bill arch is another question.  On a previous trip, we continued straight to the end of the canyon to a waterall we could not bypass.  So, at this point, take the right hand branch.  You will need to climb up high to the right (looking up canyon) to avoid a fall.  The goal here is a tree stewn scree field.  This last part is steep and loose but we’ve done it twice now, without lose of life or limb.  Continue up and pop thru the rim at a tree and a huge cairn.  You’ve just breached the first rim.

We did not continue on the circle loop route which follows the ledge around at the top of this first rim.   At the far side there is a spot to climb up to the second level of ledges.  Continue along the ledge until you reach a duck bill arch, which I don’t think is the same formation I referred to earlier.  I think there is another arch directly across the canyon from the ascent notch and uphill which is almost at the point where the last 2 branches of the canyon meet. 

We continued up the right hand side of the canyon to a point just short of a rock out-cropping.  It seems like we could move to the left of the out-cropping and continue up to the next rim – but that is for another day.