​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Sprague Lake to Boulder Brook to Wind River
16 October 2016

For today’s hike, I wanted a short outing with some uphill for a workout.  I thought about the Indian Creek Trail at Bulwark Ridge as well as Bierstadt Lake from the bus barn but decided on Storm Pass even though I knew I would not get that far. 

After parking at the Sprague Trailhead and doing a few sketches of the trees, I head over to the inlet and take some photos of the ripples and the effect of wind on the waves where some ripples were perpendicular to others due to rocks poking out of the water.

I head up the trail.  As usual, I am huffing and puffing to start with I know this trail will flatten out before too long.  There are lots of blown down trees that I do not remember from the spring but judging from the paths worn around them, this blow down is not new.  Another point of interest is a bit of a wet area across the trail that I do not remember and up the trail a little further is a flowing trail.  There is a beaten path beside it as well so again this is not new.

Before long, I am at the trail junction:  Storm Pass Trailhead to the right, Glacier Gorge and Boulder Brook straight ahead.  Wind River and Storm Pass to the left.

I turn left and soon cross a small creel and then a slightly bigger one, which I think is Boulder Creek and about the prettiest little creek I have ever seen…lots of plants, a few rocks and just pretty.  It always reminds me of a drawing of a creek in a “Highlights” magazine from my childhood with a picture perfect creek running along rocks with trees and flowers.

In reality, most of the creeks I have hiked along have lots of downed tress and are not pretty but are pretty cool!

At another junction, the Glacier Campground or ‘Y’ is to the left, and Wind River / Storm Pass to the right and I continue uphill.  I take a couple of photos here, one of rocks, another of a grove of aspens.  Both are a contrast to the pine trees that are in abundance.

I turn around and too soon I am back at the car.  I do wonder where the Wind River Trail head is…I would like to start there next time