​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

27 August 2019
We explored the upper reaches of Black's Fork Arm...but still did not get to the point where Black's Fork River comes in.

01 September 2019

 Today, we drove over to Waldo Lake for a day paddle.  According to the Forest Service website, "one of the purest lakes in the world. It has no permanent inlet to bring nutrients into the lake for plant growth. The lack of plant life contributes to its purity. You can see to depths of 120 feet on a calm day."  It was pretty windy so I did not take many pictures

05 September 2019 - 07 September 2019

Next stop is Eugene and we spend the night with Gary's friend Barry and his wife.  We have a nice city dinner in Springfield then are on our way to Olympia, Washington and setup our tent in Gary's daughter yard in Lacy.  Our original plan for the 7th was to paddle to xx but when we go to the put at xx, the parking situation was unclear.  So we headed back to the access area at xx and  paddled in Puget Sound going halfway around xxxx island 

13 September 2019

The evening of the 12th was spent at the Three Island Crossing State Park in Glenn's Ferry Idaho.  On the 13th we head for our final destination, Bear Lake in Southeast Idaho / Northeast Utah where we spend a couple of days paddling.  This is a another interesting area with turquoise water.  If we come back we'll stay on the Utah side with lower camping fees  

08 September 2019

It rains today so we skip paddling and head out for a stroll at the Mima Mounds, southwest of Olympia

15 September 2019

Our last day of paddling.  We head to the south end of the lake crossing into Utah 

16 September 2019

We pack up and head home.

​A wonderful trip!

09 September 2019 - 11 September 2019

We wake up to pouring rain in Lacy on the 9th so we pack up everything and head to Seattle to see my daughter Kari and our new house.  We set up the soaking wet tent on the covered porch to see if it will dry out and setup our pads in the living room where it is warm and dry.  The next day we go for supper at my favorite Thai place in West Seattle, Bang Bar.  It continues to rain non-stop so on the 10th we pack up again, get breakfast with Kari at PC Groceries then head east.  My comment:  We'll drive east till the sky is blue and the grass is brown.  Our destination actually is Potholes Reservoir in Eastern Washington near Moses Lake.  I looked at this place and have been intrigued as it seems like it is filled with islands.  The water is low enough that the island are connected and we spend lots of time working our way thru the maze.  Seems like it would be a great place for birding.  

03 September 2019 - 04 September 2019

We pack up this morning and head down the Willamette Highway to Hills Creek Reservoir where we spend 2 nights and do 1 day paddle.  On our way out, we see an inlet on the west side but do not paddle once we see it does not connect to the main reservoir.

Pacific Northwest Road Trip

26 August 2019  thru 16 September 2019

26 August 2019

The 3rd  road trip since ending work was a 3 week trip to the Northwest to celebrate Gary's second sabbatical.

Our first stop is Flaming Gorge with the intention to explore the upper reaches of Black's Fork Arm

28 August 2019 - 29 August 2019
We wake up early, pack up and head to Oregon, stopping at Yellow Pine Campground along Highway 26

12 September 2019

On the 12th we pack up again to continue our journey east (by going south to oregon then taking i-80 east to Idaho.  But we drive thru and stop at the Drumheller Channels, a very cool geologic area and another place that derserves a longer visit.

31 August 2019

From Yellow Pine, we head to Redmond, spending the night with Gary's brother Brian.  Then head to his family reunion on Cresent Lake.  Today, we drove over to Odell Lake for a day paddle.

02 September 2019

We take a break from paddling and hike to Fawn Lake which is in the Crescent Lake area.  

14 September 2019

We paddling today going toward the north end of the lake