​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Wednesday 06 September 2017

We are up by 7:30 and packing.  Which really means unpacking everything and repacking for 3 days and 2 nights of boat camping. 

Our idea this time was to put in at Brinegar, explored the area on the east side of the lake that we skipped on our July 4th outing, then north to Lost Dog and explore the Black’s Fork Arm.   So we paddle across the lake then north.  Had we preserved on the July 4th excursion and continued to paddle on the east side of the lake, we would have found several areas, somewhat flat and low-lying, that would have provided adequate camping.

Once across the lake, it takes about 2 hours to get to the point where we are across from Buckboard.  Then  another 2 miles to Lost Dog.  Today’s total to Lost Dog is 13 miles according to the Fishin Map.  A long haul and we wonder why we did not put in at Lost Dog….the answer is simply that we wanted to explore the area between Brinegar and Buckboard that we bypassed last time.  We also bypassed Current Creek Bay, near the confluence of Green River Arm and Blacks Fork Arm; another place to explore.

We have lunch at Lost Dog, then onward to our camp.  We had planned on camping at the same bench as last time but decided to continue on, until we are at least an hour from Lost Dog.  We find a spot a point that seems inviting.  There is a road here but we do not expect any visitors since it’s past the holiday.  We find a spot to setup the tent, then go from a swim, then relax. 

Note:  We are not doing this lake justice as we bypass yet another inlet without exploring.  But the point of this outing is to paddle as far up Black’s Fork Arm as we can and thus not check out each nook and cranny.

Another note:  After Lost Dog, perched up on the ridge were 3 ‘somethings’.  I thought they may have been birds at first but decided against that, since they were so still for so long.  But then they did take flight – 3 herons!  I took pictures….hope they are good.

Other wildlife are antelope, down by the lake north of Buckboard where the trailers are usually parked.  Also, a pelican, coots & grebes.

Our supper on this trip is canned food, a nice change from backpacking food.  Tonight it’s Chicken Chow Mein.  Ymm Ymm!

We turn in, and, as always, sleep well.

Flaming Gorge Reservoir

Labor Day 2017

Tuesday 05 September 2017

We arrive in Green River, stop at Smith’s Grocery for supper and additional food and head to the Brinegar boat ramp.  We find a spot to camp, just before the ramp itself on what appears to be a landing or spot for overflow parking.  Good enough for a one night bivy.  We setup our tarps, sleeping bags and set down to a supper of fried chicken and potato salad.  Absolutely delicious!  We are sold on this type of a store-bought supper!

It’s really hazy here due to the Oregon fires.  We are treated to a very red sunset and red moonrise.  I get photos of the moonrise…but not the sunset.

Afterwards, we settle in for the night and I read for a bit.  I sleep really well.

Thursday 07 September 2017

We are up and moving by 8 AM.  I make coffee and mashed potatoes for breakfast, my new backpacking food – no gluten, no soy.  Gary has oatmeal.

We take all our food with us (as a precaution against rodents), take bearings,  and start up lake.   The reason for taking bearings:  my fear is that we will mistake the various inlets, like the one across from us, for the main channel.  It helps to do this and have the map, but quite honestly, other than the inlet across from us, there are none others along our route that can be mistaken for a main arm.

We arrive at the bridge after 2 ½ hours or so of paddling and go beyond just a bit.  I have lost enthusiasm for further exploration and it is shallow and my paddle keeps hitting bottom.  We turn, paddle beyond the sound of vehicles and have lunch and then are underway again. 

We are both really tired but persevere.  Finally we are at the home-stretch.  These last 2 miles seem like a really long way but we get there, have supper and snacks and turn in.   

Friday 08 September 2017

Our last day!

We sleep till almost 8.  I get up and make mashed potatoes and coffee.  Gary makes his final batch of spam and eggs.  Then work on breaking camp and loading the boats.

We are underway by 10 and stop at Lost Dog before continuing on and are below Buckboard in 90 minutes, continuing to paddle steadily, driven on by a bank of threatening clouds.

We round the final corner before Brinegar and stick to the shore as there is lightening in the distance and paddle up to the ramp just as the wind kicks in.  It is 2:30, making this a 4 ½ hours which includes a 30 minute break at Lost Dog.  What a difference a bit of adrenaline makes!

We did not explore the area on the west bank, below Buckboard as planned.  I would content that Brinegar to Lost Dog deserves its own outing as does the Black’s Fork Arm.

A wonderful paddle!