​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Forest Lakes

07 July 2018

Today’s destination is the East Portal.  Some of the others I considered were Wild Basin, Glacier Gorge destinations like The Loch and Black Lake and Bierstadt Lake.
I have not been to the East Portal in at least a year, so that won out.

I left my house at about 8:30 AM.  There was a bike race so was held up at Left Hand Canyon.  Oh well.

It was at least 10 before I arrived.  I was concerned about the parking situation but there were plenty of spots in that rugged lot to the east of the main parking area.  Driving up, I thought I remembered 3 train crossing but there were only 2. 

Now for the hike:  Nothing has changed much.  The trail starts just north of the tunnel, heads west, then arcs back to the original trail.  Some of the trail work done in the 90s seems to have eroded but all in all, it’s the same as I remember.  There are lots of flowers:  hare bells, those white ones that look like yarrow but are not and today columbine!

I noticed at the trailhead, a sign mentioned the 2nd bridge to forest lakes was closed but I do not remember a ‘2nd’ bridge and Forest Lakes are my destination today so I guess I can check it out.  The closed bridge turns out to be the main bridge that goes over the big creek.  It is officially closed but still quite usable.  It did have 2 segments of 2 logs each but 1 log is gone from 1 segment.  Glad I have my poles but remaining log is easily negiotated.  I look at where I want to go, not at my feet. 

Up & up I go.  I am a little lethargic but overall feel stronger than I have been so that is good.  It does take me 3 hours up (and 2 down).  I need to check the elevation.  Going up, I completely miss the turnoff to Arapahoe Lakes.  I would like to try that at some point but would need a map and compass as it seems like that trail is no longer maintained. 

Anyway, I continue upward and finally I am at the lake!  This is a nice spot and I wish I had the energy to hike up to the higher lake but I stick with my plan, have a short snack, then head back.

It was a good day.  There was a very brief shower just before noon but it did not last long.