​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

St. Vrain Mountain

​02 October 2005

Attempted St. Vrain Mountain today – yet another Colorado Gem

Take the Ski Road South from Allenspark.  At the junction of the Rock Creek Road, continue right for another ½ mile to the trailhead parking area.  The parking area is fairly small so arrive early or prepare to find another destination.  (Rock Creek may be a nice alternative).

Note that this trail is well marked all the way to the saddle between St. Vrain Mountain and Meadow Mountain.  The trail starts in a grove of aspen, lovely today in their fall, golden splendor.  The trail gains elevation quickly – part of my delight is that this is a great workout for those days when you only have ½ day to hike.  For the first part, you travel along a stream, which is dry today.  The trail then switches back but before long you are again along the stream.  And, as you gain elevation, you see that this stream drains the narrow basin.  Up and up you go.  Don’t forget to stop and look behind you.  Today we can see all the way down to the plains and east.  Continue upward, into dwindling trees.  Before long you are at the saddle.  Look eastward again and see the backs of the Flatirons.  But, more importantly, look down into the bowl where Rock Creek ends.  This is our skiing destination of the winter.  How much more tree-filled and steep it seems in the winter. 

We return the way we came.