​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

The Loch

22 Febuary 2004

A ski outing to The Loch in Rocky Mountain National Park is another favorite.  This trip always seems more difficult than the trail to Forest Lakes as there are more steep sections and more tight curves and it seems like there never is as much snow in the park as there is at the East Portal.

The ski begins at the Glacier Gorge Junction.  Since we did not have an early start today we don’t park in the prime parking area and so we drive on up to Bear Lake where the parking lot is already half-full which seems like more than usual.  From the Bear Lake Trailhead, we head downward the half mile or so to Glacier Gorge.  This trail is moderate though today it feels like there is a layer of hard ice underneath the fresh snow.  Before long, we are at the Glacier Gorge Trailhead. 

This trip is definitely Colorado Cross Country Skiing at it’s finest:  Lots of scenery, great snow, and lots of variety.

At Glacier Gorge, turn up the trail toward Alberta Falls.  You need to pay attention because you will not be on the main trail for long.  You will cross 3 bridges (the 2nd is small and easily overlooked) and the 3rd bridge crosses the drainage that we will be climbing up.  So, at the third bridge, step off the trail to the right and start climbing up the drainage which eventually curve up and to the left.  Follow it up and out.  Now, before long, you will join the trail, just below the Loch / Black Lake intersection. 

Continue in the direction of Black Lake to a bridge but again step off the trail to the right into the Loch Vale Gorge.  Follow the Gorge upward.  There are rocks to negotiate and fallen trees to duck under but for the most part the terrain is mild until you approach the end of the gorge just below the lake where it steepens drastically.  Not for the faint of heart, especially when coming down!  But its an absolutely stunning place, a gorge with steep wall, accessible only in winter.

Continue up to The Loch and welcome to paradise abet a chilly one.  Continue beyond if desired. 

The return trip is fast!  Overall time out today, probably around 5 hours.