​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

​​​​​​Pueblo Reservoir

09 June 2017 - 10 June 2017
This weekend's destination is Pueblo Lake State Park, this time with the Rocky Mountain Sea Kayak Club.

I left work at 2:50, almost on time and  arrived at Karen A’s at 4:30 and Pueblo at 7:15.  Our first destination is Jorque’s in Pueblo for a bit to eat, then off to the lake and our reserved camping site, arriving around 8:30 with just enough light left to setup the tents.

 We meet at 8 AM on Saturday Morning and head to the put in at the state wildlife area, on the north side of the lake, west of the north side entrance and paddle up lake into the basin the Arkansas River flows into.

It seems like we are in the basin on no time and poke around.  Things of note is the beaver lodges, and the so-called ruin up high on the south bank which is actually part of and old water pipe system.  Another note:  the really big waves made by wake-boarders…lots of fun!

On Sunday we pack up camp, then head to another SWA put-in at Turkey Creek and explored that.