​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Lone Tree Reservoir

08 August 2009

Marsha D. prepared the rough draft for this trip.  Thanks Marsha!

​Marsha D., Janet S., Gary Cage, Jud H. and Tim F. attended.  Anne Fiore was our trip leader and started out with a short talk on paddle signals and safety and introductions. 

It was quite a surprise to see how full the lake was compared to previous years!  We started  counter clockwise around the lake first exploring a lily pad / swamp area and small creek on the south-west end of the lake.  At first, it didn’t seem like we would be able to paddle thru the water plants, which did keep getting caught up in the paddles, but we continued.  Jud had seen on the map an inlet from Welch Reservoir, an even larger lake to the south and we were hoping to find that inlet. We could also see a number of structures across the cove and decided these at one time were pillars for a water line.  We continue on until it seems like we’d have to thrash our way thru a good deal of underbrush and then retraced our steps. 

We then proceeded around the lake, traveling northeast continuing to look for the inlet but were not successful.  For the most part, this edge of the lake was tree-less.  We continued along the southern edge of the lake, stopping for a quick lunch on a sandy beach at the edge of a grove of cottonwood trees.  Then on to the next cove which was actually quite large.  It was interesting to see how far back one could paddle amongst the trees and brush.  We noted that the water in this cove was quite a bit clearer than the first and surmised that the first cove was often landlocked. 

Our next stop was down the channel to the outlet a short distance from the main body of the lake and bordered by trees.  Then we turned and began to head back to our starting point and exploring each new cove in turn. 

The water was perfectly calm when we started, but now a breeze began to pick up  – enough for us to pay attention but not enough to cause a discussion -- though the coves were each calm.  One person even found a way thru to the next cove.  In the coves along the north side, we saw several blue herons and pelicans. 

Then we were back at the boat launch.  Over all it was a near perfect day and everyone had a good time.

We spent approximately 4 ½ hours on the lake with a short lunch break and we paddled exactly 5.0 GPS miles.  Obviously we goofed off quite a bit.