​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Heil Ranch - Pyrite Drive Access
05 May 2007

For a few years now, I have eyed Heil Ranch  – from the back.  There is an access point in Lyons, at the end of Pyrite Dr, about a ½ mile or so from Gary’s house on Jade.

The sign originally said ‘Closed to the Public’ but that changed about 3 years ago to be a seasonal closure.

Originally, you had to crawl thru the barbed wire fence but now there is a gate.  Once past the gate, you’ll be greeted with an open pine forest.  Originally there was only an old track and old trail to follow but now there is an access road.  We follow the access road south and before long crossed a narrow meadow.  Continue along the access road as it meanders thru the forest.  There are two old tracks to the right that we have not yet explored.  The 3rd old track goes steeply uphill.  Following this is a nice option as it will skirt the closed, no hiking ever area and eventually you will cross another meadow and pass a solar powered data collection point (of some sort).  If you continue along this well defined track, you’ll join the new wild turkey trail. 

From the place where we started steeply uphill, the main track turns to the left down hill.  You will pass along sign to indicate that you are at the edge of the no hiking ever area.  There is another, less used track to the left.  Bypass that, cross a ravine, and pass yet another less used track to the left and continue on the main track.  Before long, you enter the open meadow that is above the gulch that terminates at the end of Red Gulch Road and you’ll come to the silo marked on the map.  Besides the silo, there is an abandoned horse-drawn disc-er, and old quarry, a long abandoned car and a truck and the remaining walls of a sandstone building – perhaps a barn?  I wonder if the quarry was only for use to build for this operation or was it a commercial enterprise?

Continue up the track but after another half mile or so you’ll encounter one of those area closed signs though I did continue, the track tops out at a saddle and appears to end at the Wild Turkey Trail.  We will have to hike that trail at some point and see.