​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Red Canyon West

14 May 2004

Steve Allen mentions this loop in his book.  We did not do the loop but each canyon is a delightful day’s jaunt.  We hiked up the east canyon on our last trip here and found a good descent route.  Today we hiked up the west canyon thinking we might do the loop but it wasn’t meant to be.

The west canyon is stunning, full of pinnacles and spires.  The entrance is up Mexican Mountain Road, maybe 4 miles or so.  A track on the left goes north to the junction of the 2 canyons.  There is camping nearby though we did not explore it today as there was a car parked back there and deferred checking it another time.

From the parking area, hike north into West Red Canyon.  Grand Spires come into immediate view.  The walking in this first part is in a wash.  After a bit, the canyon divides and we take the right hand branch which branches again where we go left and dead-ends before too long just below a fall with no easy way up, over or around.  It does entail about ½ mile of boulder hopping making it a very enjoyable side trip.  We did not explore the right hand branch but looking at the map it ends before too long. 

Back at the main trail, we take the left hand fork.  The wash soon becomes a boulder strewn gully so we peck our way along.  At one point, we reach an impassable waterfall so we back up a bit then climb up on the right and pass it.  The way is marked with cairns and you do not climb very high.  Once past the fall, climb back down to the main gully and continue upward over large boulders, keeping always to the left.  At the next juncture, we go left again and are now nearly at the bottom of a scree slope, with some 3rd and 4th class moves and a cairn marking the start.  We traversed a bit, then climb a gully with good rocks making it fairly stable and reach a headwall.  We move to the right to overcome it.  At the next headwall (4th class) we turn back.  With a dog and no rope, this type of adventure is probably a bit sketchy. 

We have lunch and retrace out steps.  A nice day out!