​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Colorado River, Two Bridges to Landing Strip

 18 July 2015

We dropped our boats at the Two Bridges put-in then it was off to the Catamount take-out.  Along the way, we missed the turn for the Colorado River Road and took a very scenic drive along Hwy 131 toward Steamboat Springs.  We finally turned around at Tonapas.  This is yet another stretch of Colorado Roads that I have never been on and I would like to come back an investigate its hiking potential.  It has the look of the Flat Tops and the area surrounding Mueller State Park with spreads of open meadow and clumps of aspen.  There are a couple of small settlements that we pass through and I wonder how people make a living.   Despite how much I love the outdoors and open spaces, I think I would get much too lonely in such a remote place.   I am looking forward to my upcoming move to Longmont.

At Tonapas, we turn around and retrace our steps to the turnoff to Burns and the Colorado River Road and the Catamount take-out.  It seems like we drive an incredibly long way.  But here we are, switching cars, and head back to the put-in.  On the way back, I take note of Karen A’s car at a pull out and figure that must be ‘Landing Strip’. 

We are back at the put-in and preparing to launch after Louise’s safety talk.   The river is moving along but I am able to ferry across and get in the eddy in the other bank.  We spend some time paddling out of the eddy, turning downstream, getting back in the eddy.  At one point, I forgot the moves and lean upstream instead of down and nearly flip the boat but I manage to correct and stay upright.

Now we turn and head downstream and approach a small rapid (though afterward Louise mentions that perhaps it is a Class 2 and I agree but later Bill A thinks we are both nuts…it all in perspective).  I negotiate the rapid with no problem, enjoying the ride but keeping an eye out for obstacles.  Once below, I pull into an eddy along with Carol and Louise and wait for the others. 

I am facing downstream in the eddy which is not a good position for watching folks coming down river, so I turn around and see a bit of upriver above the rapid.  Now, suddenly, on the far side of the river, barely in sight, is an upside down yellow canoe, MJ’s.

Louise attempts to ferry to go up and help but she flips as well.  Al ferries across, finds a take out spot and goes up to help.  Carol and Louise both get in Carol’s boat and ferry across. 

There are two others that still have not coming down the rapid, Kit and Henry, who are helping MJ. 

Eventually, MJ comes down in the tandem with Henry.  Kit is in MJ's Rendezvous.

We decide to not do more practices, simply head down river and get out at Landing Strip, which ended up being a good decision since in the meantime, the wind has come up.

At Landing Strip, we have lunch.  The wind comes up even more and we all decide to not continue on.  A fellow RMCC person gives us a ride down to Catamount to get our cars, and then we head back to Landing Strip to load up our boats.

All in all, a good paddling day and for the first time I do not feel totally inept in the river.  And we had good wind practice and it was not so strong that I could not keep the boat straight!  Woo-hoo, maybe I will get the hang of this.