​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Mcintosh Lake


10 March 2012

Daylight Savings Time Paddle at Lake Macintosh, Longmont, Colorado

All along, this trip had been scheduled for Tuesday March 13th, the first Tuesday after the the start of daylight savings time but there is a lecture at CU that evening, so I switched it to a pre-daylight-savings event.

The forecast was for sunny and in the 50’s so I was surprised at delighted that at 8 AM it was already 50!

Our plan was for a 10:30 in the water time, so I left the house at 9:30 which gave me enough time to stop for gas, arrive and unload without feeling harassed.

By now, I’ve lost track of the actual temperature but it is nice out, the sky is blue, the sun is warm and the water is soft. 

We have a nice sized group for this outing:  Kristy and Rich Webber, Russ Hardy, New member Clark Strickland, Andy McKenna, Lou Ann and Dave Hustvedt and Mark Wiley; George and Jen Otten, and Kate Wallace.

Off we go.  First we do general introductions then a safety review and a plan to meet up at the far end which is also the location of the only nearby open outhouse.  We go counter-clockwise at a leisurely pace as there is lots of catching up to do. 

We take a break at the far end then leisurely begin to poke our way back. 

There are not as many birds out today as we’ve seen on our April outings:  There are gulls and geese but no ducks.

Before long, we are back at the start.  Some were up for a 2nd round, so the Webbers, the Hustvedts. Kate Wallace, Clark and myself start out.  We agree that this will be at a steady pace and head west with Kristy in the lead.  I gradually lose distance but have a fighting chance of staying within sight.  We paddle steadily and before long are at the west end then continue clockwise and paddle up the inlet to the dam which everyone seems to enjoy.  Along the north bank, gulls are everywhere but there are no other birds. 
Next stop is the takeout.  Nice event, the water was glass, the temperature warm.  What a great way to start the season.