​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Lake Mcintosh

17 March 2011

I arrived about 5 PM.  The plan was to meet at the North Entrance.  Russ was there.  Thinking that no one else would show and having seen a kayak headed to the south ramp, we head to the south ramp.
Kate Wallace was there.  While unloading, Marsha Dougherty showed up. 

It was a little windy, with the wind coming out of the east.

We headed east first, mostly to be able to gauge the wind and ensure that everyone was comfortable, since we would have a head wind on the return.

Got to the end of the eastern cove, then turned west, staying toward the north bank.  One participant request that we stay close to the south bank (in the event a severe wind came up, it would be easier to bail and return to our cars from that side).  We headed across diagonally, aiming for a blue house.  One of our group was not comfortable with the wind, so we all returned to the put-in.  Then, the remaining three, headed off to the west again.

Not too windy, not too bad.  But the further west we go, the stronger the wind or perhaps just the more the fetch.  Finally, I put my rudder down, being unable otherwise to keep my boat on track.

Then we turn around, into whitecaps and rolling waves.  Not as bad as Boulder Reservoir a couple of years back, but definitely challenging. 

We are back at the put in after 20 minutes, much quicker than expected.

And I am ready for more challenging water. 

​I do not have photos from this trip.