​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Island and Cary Lakes  

30 August 2013 thru 02 September 2013

Destination:  Island / Cary Lakes in the Rawah Wilderness

Labor Day Weekend 2013

Friday 30 August 2013

We drove up after work on Friday and setup a bivy.  There was a pull out with a gauging station about ½ mile short of the trailhead and we setup there. 
Another spot that might have worked is the Tunnel Campground just before the trailhead. 

Saturday 31 August 2013

We got up at 6:30 and were on the trail within 90 minutes after a cold breakfast.  This is the first time we tested the bivy idea and it worked really well except I did not sleep well as I used the big sleeping bag which was way too warm. 

At 1:10, we were at the Blue Pass Junction. 

It’s been a long haul.  We stopped hourly.  I took a nap at our noon stop and was quite refreshed.  We found a good camping spot near the junction.  We packed in beers for tonight, a nice treat,

Sunday 01 September 2013

We hiked to Island and Cary Lakes and were back to camp by 2:30.

Monday 02 September 2013

Hiked out and headed home.  This was a nice outing.  We had a thunder storm about 3:30 each day.