​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Olympia, WA

19 August 2016 – 21 August 2016

Another outing this weekend, this time to Olympia/Lacey WA for Celia’s wedding ceremony.  We traveled by plane, so all meals out and no dishes to do!  Cushy!

But of course, no paddling and not much hiking.

Friday 19 August 2016

Driving to Lacy from the airport, there were lots of signs for lots of state parks.  There is lots of water and opportunities for outdoor recreation.  This would not be a bad place to live though the traffic would be constant and trailheads would be busy all the time.  But, still it appeals.  For me it would be closer to Kari; for Gary it would be closer to Celia though further from Jordan and his family and I am not convinced he would ever move. 

I picked up a magazine on outdoor photography, mostly because it had an article on black & white photography.  I took note of this comment:  Black & White photography needs more structure (i.e. composition) as it does not have the color to carry it.

Looking at the price of really good cameras, I do not think I want to pursue being a really good photographer.  Plus I do not want to spend all my time doing photography as I want to continue to draw, write, do outside stuff and weave.  I think I simply need to pursue all these things, the best I can.

I did take a photo of light coming in the window, and this is definitely a candidate for black and white, though as it turns out it wasn't worth saving.  But I think even more I want to continue to pursue the monochromatic compositions I have been pursuing the last few years and possibly converting them to black and white using Lightroom.

Saturday 20 August 2016

 On Saturday, Kari came and got me at the hotel and headed to Mima Falls for a hike.  We stopped at Fred Meyer for a Washington State Discovery Pass then out to the trailhead which was south of Olympia, about a 30 minutes drive. 

We head up the trail which is thru an old clear-cut and its really hot today!  Its not too long of a hike so we continue and about halfway reach an uncut section where it’s lots cooler.    Finally we arrive at a junction and a hand-written sign points us left to the falls and we arrive after another 1/3 mile or so.  It is a lava flow falls and the pool at the bottom has the color of glacial silt as well as interesting plays of light.  We climb down and eat lunch and snacks that Kari brought.  Ymm-ymm.  We head back which takes much less time.

On the way back out, we also stop at the Mima Mounds site but do not hike since dogs are not allowed. It would be cool to come here early morning or late afternoon to take pictures. 

Then we head back to Lacey and look for a place to eat.  We settle on the RAM Brewpub near the hotel.  Both beer and food are quite good, despite it being a chain.  Kari heads back to Seattle.  I shower and we head to Celia’s.  Many of her friends and family are there.