​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

​Grand Teton

Summer 2000

This was with Sandra Fish who did all the leading.  Also along, on another rope, was Sandy H, Scott P, and Scott's buddy from Las Vegas.  My last mountaineering outing.

Training for the Grand Teton

Date:   August 2000,
Place:   Ned to Allenspark and back.
Activity:          Road bike ride. 

Time:   About 6 hours

This ride was with Gary H. and Vern L.  Vern died in an avalanche while skiing in the Canadian Rockies.

Date:   05 August 2000
Place:   Mummy Mountain
Time:   About 8.5 hours

Good weather, extremely stable.  Though the beginning of my hip and shoulder problems.

9:15:    Left Trailhead
11:45:  At Black Canyon junction
2:00:    Summit
3:45:    At Black Canyon junction
5:45:    Trailhead

Post training

Date:   24 Nov 2001
Place:   Green Mountain, up the Saddle Rock Trail and down the Ranger Trail
Time:   About 3 hours

Date:   25 Nov 2001
Place:   Wild Basin to Ouzel Falls
Time:   About 4 hours

A lovelier place could not be found.  I wonder what this would be like as a late winter ski trip?