​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

North Platte River, Saratoga to Sanger Access

25 July 2015

I left Longmont at 4 PM, drove thru Hygiene to mail Kari’s birthday card and get a snack then north on 75th Street to Fort Collins ‘the back way’ and onto US 287 to Laramie which took about 2 hours.  Then west on I-80 for about 70 miles to the Saratoga exit with a stop there for gas and ice.  Then southward to county road 508 and the Pick Bridge.   At the Pick Bridge, I continue west a bit more, then turn north to the Sanger Access.  I should track this mileage, as its always more than I expect though not too long.

From the Pick Bridge, the landscape is as nice as I remember it – the high, dry desert beyond and ribbon of cottonwoods below along the river, green and beckoning. 

I spy the outhouse, the landmark I remember from last time, and turn down.  There is a small trailer belonging to Bob and Cathy Cormack and I see Penelope Purdy again directing traffic.  I carefully drive up a 2-track and find a place for my car and tent and quickly set up.  And sit down with a cocktail and visit with the others.  It’s a little buggy though not as bad as I imagined it would be.

I sleep well and am up at about 7 am, a little late considering we need to be at the put-in at the hot springs at 8:30.  But there is not much to get ready besides a cup of coffee and I am underway by 8 AM.  The put-in at the hot springs is easily found.  I begin unloading, putting in float bags, etc.  We decide to leave my car at the put-in so I have some extra time while the others run the shuttle and I continue to gear up. 

 (As I write this, I see the boat ramp, the hot spring pool entrance and the hobo pool beyond.  I see the family with small children at the boat ramp.  I see the blue sky and sun.  I remember the first time I did this with RMSKC and sitting with Kathleen Ellis and discussing books and James Joyce and how we are now not so enthralled with depressing literature.  But I did not capture any of this in this write up.)

The others return and we are quickly underway.   The river is a bit low…actually more than a bit low, and we encounter a shoal within minutes (I might add I saw this from the highway but am nowhere near the position I said I should be in…) and now I am hung up on the rocks and turning sideways.  But I do not flip as the boat finds its way and I float off into calmer waters.  As we paddle along, we encounter a number of shoals along the way. 

Ah, from the get-go there are birds to see:  Bald eagles, kingfishers, pelicans (though no where near as many as on that first trip maybe 10 years ago now ) and lots of families of mergansers with their crested heads.  I would also note that the North Platte River along here is prime trout fishing waters and there are many fly-fisherman about, both on shore and in drift boats. 

It seems like in no time we are at the Foote Access.  The clouds are beginning to build and Penelope decides to take out, as the wind is picking up.  The rest of us continue and I am very glad to have the double-bladed paddle which allows me to make good progress despite the wind, though quite frankly the canoe is much more maneuverable with the single blade.  I do note there now seems to be a bit more water.

Now we approach the Pick Bridge.  Cathy and Bob have left their car there, so that is where they take out.  We continue down to Sanger and our campsite.  A wonderful float!

Note:  it seems like there is much more water after the Foote Access area.

I am not feeling that great the next morning so decide to skip the 2nd day.  The original plan for day 2 was to start at Treasure Island and paddle to the hobo pool in Saratoga but there was not enough water.