​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Lower Montgomery Pass Yurt

22 February 2013 – 25 February 2013

 Celia came on this outing this time.  Her flight came in around 11:15 PM Thursday evening so Gary went and got her.  We slept till around 8 AM or so Friday morning, completed packing, had breakfast and were on the road by 9.  It takes nearly 3 hours to drive to Gould and the State Forest Visitors Center where Gary got an annual pass.  Off we go up county road 41 and the trailhead arriving at about noon.  Packed the sleds, got on skis and snowshoes and we were going up the road at about 1 PM. 

2 hours later we were at the junction of the road that goes up to the Montgomery Pass Yurt and stop for a quick lunch.  We know that the last mile is pretty steep so I wax up.  I put on blue extra with no luck.  Then a bit of purple special but still do not make ground.  Now I drag my sled up a bit, out of the sun and reconfigure everything and then I am on my way.  No glide since I am over-waxed but at least I do not slide backward.  I am at the yurt in 75 minutes, much better time than last year, but its still a haul.  Gary and Celia arrive after 15 minutes or so.  Celia is hauling Gary’s sled. 

Today, from the porch of the yurt, you can see the Nokhu Crags.  On many of our past trips, they has been hidden in a haze of falling snow.  We take pictures.  The view looking west is clear as well. 

We start a fire and melting snow for water then have a beer and a snack of quesadillas and relax.

On the way up, I was thinking that this is exactly what I want to be doing.  And I am surprised since I had convinced myself that I would rather be doing other things:  my own art, drawing, writing, etc as well as going to museums, the ballet, the symphony.  Fact is, I want to do both.

For supper, pasta with sausage and peppers are the plan.  We end up doing only the sausage and pepper part, then crawl into bed.  I do not sleep well.

Saturday, we’re up, making breakfast, doing dishes, chopping wood then getting ready to head up the hill.  Our destination is to reach the Montgomery Pass via the Montgomery Pass Road, about 5 miles according to the road sign.

We’ve tried this before:  First time we only made it to the creek but could not cross.  Last year, we crossed the creek and got perhaps a mile further.  Gary went again the next day and got somewhat further.  Today, with Celia along and helping to break trail, we go up about 3 hours but still do not get to the gates shown on the map.

10 minutes into the day, I am ready to bonk.  Eat a goo and press on, threatening to turn back every 30 minutes or so.  I am definitely not energetic.  Physical or spiritual, I cannot tell.

The next day, I stay in and rest.  Gary tries again but does not make it as far.