​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Glendo State Park and the Eclipse

21 August 2017

We drove up from Cheyenne yesterday and spend the night at a private campground near Lusk Wyoming where we were packed in like sardines.

Luckily we had procured a day pass for Glendo and were able to launch our boats from the east side and paddle up lake to a quiet cove where we observed the total eclipse.  

LOTS of traffic on the way home and I think we arrived about 2 in the morning.

Sadly I do not have a writeup for this trip.  But we did have eclipse glasses which allowed us to observe the eclipse in its entirety.  I do not have good photos though.  It never did get dark enough for the stars to come out but it did get incredibly quiet.

There is another eclipse scheduled for 2022 and I hope we get to do this again