​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Sunday 28 May 2017

We had somewhat of a leisurely start today, sleeping till 7 AM.  Breakfast was oatmeal and dried fruit and coffee.  Then breaking camp and packing up and on the river by 10  AM or so.  It seems like the river was coming up last evening but this morning things are quieter.  First thing, once launched is:  can I ferry and indeed I can.  This whole 2nd day, the river is much more relaxed, perhaps not as much gradient, maybe just wider.

There are 2 planned stops this morning, but we skip the first which is Salt Creek.  We are underway, pass Salt Creek and on to Virgin Springs which is wonderful treat.  There is a small eddy where we take out.  This is an exquisite canyon with a very nice spring at the end.  Along the way are pictographs of the same quality as the Buckhorn Wash Panel.

The springs are deep and refreshing, situated at the bottom of a pour-over that is not easily climbable.  We take a dip, relax a bit, then head back to the boats for a quick lunch before heading downstream.  The river continues to be calm.

Before long we pull over.  Carol and Chris are exploring as we decide this is the spot for the night.  We are about ½ mile above Cane Springs Wash.

We unload, have a beer & put up the tent then start today’s 2nd hike:  Up Cane Springs Wash.

To start with, we are on the rim but before long find a gully to scramble down into the the wash, which turns out to be a bad idea and it is very sandy which makes walking difficult but we preserve.  Carol begins finding bits of petrified wood which is one of the highlights of this canyon.  We continue up and turn around at 6:30 or so.

On the way back, we find 2 instances of petrified wood in the canyon wall and took pictures of both.

Toward the end, we climb back up to the rim about ½ mile before our downclimb gully.  We are all happy as the walking is quite a bit easier.  Once on the rim I wonder about the wisdom of this but focus on my footing and avoid looking over the edge.

I lag behind the others, wanting to photograph a rock with cool stripes and textures.  I think of a new photography project, ‘Nature By Design’

I check out tomorrow’s route.  There is a passage way between 2 rocks;  you can go around but the is somewhat swirly so it seems like the passage is the way to go.

Back to camp for our last night out

Monday 29 May 2017

We rise and hurry to pack up and get going. 

The stretch of river beyond the passage is moderate but as we approach the takeout, it seems to get busier, more twists, move wave trains and again pushier.  For a drill, I try and stay in river center and use sweep strokes instead of stern pries to stay straight.

Before long, we are at the takeout!  While Gary goes to get the truck I unload and carry gear up to the parking lot.   He arrives just as I am finishing.

We take our time loading the truck and pull away at about 1:15 PM.

We take a break in Fruita for gas and food at Wendy’s and pull into my driveway at 9:30 PM, right on time.

A wonderful outing!  Woo-hoo!

San Rafael River 

San Rafael River Float:  Fuller Bottom to the Buckhorn Wash Bridge
Memorial Day Weekend 2017

When I first joined the canoe club, one of the river trips that caught my eye was the San Rafael River that runs thru the San Rafael Swell in Utah.

This is not a river that runs reliably, and each year I have kept an eye on it, wondering if it would run.  The same this year as kept an eye on the reservoirs on the emery teacup diagram which seemed fuller than normal.  A week or so ago, 2 of the smaller reservoirs were approaching the 90% level.  A couple days last week were unusually wet and the reservoirs began filling in earnest.

I had been in touch with Karen A on this and finally we decided to make a go of it.  She was nice enough to lend me her ducky as she felt the sea kayaks would be too long (though in retrospect I think the 15’ motion would have been fine, maybe a bit tight in one or 2 places.  Gary took my 10’ Approach.  Carol and Werner D. joined us as well as a young man named Chris who was an acquaintance of Karen’s. 

Friday 26 May 2017
Gary and I left work at 3 pm and met at my place, packed up, loaded boats and were on our way out of town by 4 PM.  The plan was to spend the night at Carol and Werner's in Grand Junction.  We arrived just after 9 PM, making it a 5 ½ hour trip, which is about normal.  I did not sleep well but that seems to be about par for the course these days.

Saturday 27 May 2017
 We did the boat and car arranging in the driveway and we were on our way.  Gary & I stopped for gas and take out breakfast at Mcdonalds then headed west on I-70 to Green River Utah where we gas up again.  We continue west.  After the Hanksville exit the road climbs and climbs.

Soon we are at the Temple Mountain (Buckhorn Wash?) Road Exit, turn off, head east then north to the San Rafael River and the take-out.  We switch more gear around, leave a car, and then we are on our way to Fuller Bottom, about a 45 minute drive.

The parking lot is packed, which is not surprising given this is a popular float and it’s the holiday.

We find parking spots and work on unloading, repacking and getting ready.   Around 2 PM we are ready to launch, about an hour behind schedule.

The water has come up even more in the past day or so and is really pushy!  I don’t seem to be able to ferry well and nearly miss the eddy I am aiming for.  But, I do make the eddy but almost immediately I am pushed back into the current.  This does not bode well for my confidence but I endure and manage to get into an eddy further down and hang on tight!

There are no disasters but I stayed on my toes without time to relax and no time for pictures!

The river is fairly flat with lots of S-curves and I endure.  We travel about 4 miles to a place named Chris’ Bottom and have a lovely campsite in a grove of cottonwoods.  Life is good.  I have in my notes that we took a short walk that included going backward down a waterfall but I as I am writing this on 19 APR 2019 I have no recollection of this and no pictures.