​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Glendo To Guernsey

21 July 2018

We did the Glendo to Guernsey run on the North Platte this weekend, the first time in a few years. 

We were out of work by noon on Friday and after a Whole Foods stop for our traditional first night sushi supper, we were on our way, north on Hover, east on Hwy 66 to I-25 then north to Glendo.

Traffic was slow north of Hwy 66, which is usual, and compounded by a truck with an whose engine had just caught on fire.  We lucked out, not being in danger and the traffic never actually stopped.  It will be nice when I-25 is 3 lanes all the way to Ft Collins.

We completely missed the boat inspection station in Cheyenne.  Not to worry as there is one in Glendo.  We arrived at 3:45 making the trip in just under 3 hours, about the same as going to Glenwood Springs.

The next worry is campsite.  The ranger at the booth waved us thru and told us to pay at the canister if we found a site, which we did, hooray!

Kathy and Bill Ashworth were just ahead of us at the inspection station;  Rich Webb is already these as well as Lindsay & Brookie;  Another couple is coming up from Wheatland and will meet us in the morning.  Bonnie and Kathryn will be up later as will others.

Usually we setup but not today since we have arrived early, so first thing is to have a beer as it has been a long week at work; it’s nice to not have the immediate pressure of having the tent setup before dark.  After a leisurely break, we do get everything setup, have dinner then walk about;  Stopped at the Webb’s and ran into Bill & Kathy at the overlook watching a nice sunset.

After that, we headed back to our camp and crawled into the tent.  I am sticky and slept with no sleeping bag, unusual for a Wyoming evening.  I do not sleep well – too hot, too sticky. 

We are up at 6:30 or so, making coffee for me, and oatmeal for both our breakfasts.  All our gear was ready to go and thus at the put-in at 7:45 and unload.  The shuttle starts and I do additional tasks to get ready.

The power plant is just across the river and it’s pretty lush in the open bottoms land.

I do not have any additional notes on this trip.  Its a really nice run and I would like to go back there again and would like to explore Guernsey Reservoir.