​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Saturday, 06 July 2019

Today is the last full day of paddling and vacation.  I did not sleep as well, being a bit stiff and sore.  We are keeping camp in the same place so not need to strike camp this morning.  A nice treat!  We paddled away around 9:45, heading down lake toward Horseshoe Canyon, our goal for today.  I propose a shorter day, so just doing the loop and heading back would be fine with me.  Lori agrees that will be enough for her as well.

From our campsite, we see where we are headed:  A long, red cliff with clear indications of uplift…thus the name, flaming gorge.  Descriptions for this ridge of rock:  stark, dramatic, sheer.

Turns out, the weather starts to turn nasty just as we exit Horseshoe Canyon.  We take a quick break in a cove across from the exit mouth then head back to camp.  

Sunday, 07 July 2019

Today we head back across to Lucerne.  Gary and Wes shuttle to get Wes’ truck.  We get home about 7:30

A wonderful trip!

Thursday, 04 July 2019

We wake up just after 7 and soon are packing up, making coffee and breakfast and soon are on our way to the put-in at Brinegar/Holmes Crossing.  By 9:50, Wes and Gary are leaving to do the shuttle to leave Gary’s truck at the Lucerne Valley Access, a 45 mile round trip, so I expect their drive time will be 60 minutes. 

Waterfowl here:  a pelican, mergansers, a gull.

We are on the water at just after 11 and headed down lake.  We pulled unto a nice beach for lunch around noon.  Shortly after, Wes spied a nice cove on the east side of the lake not much later and there was much discussion as to whether we should make camp there.  We decided to continue on, stopping in a shallow cove about a mile north of the Anvil Access Point.  The wind came up and I crawled into the tent, finally getting up about 8:30 PM, made supper and watched fireworks and crawled back into the tent, surprisingly sleeping thru the night.

Flaming Gorge Reservoir

03 July 2019 – 07 July 2019

Lori  and Wes accompanied us on our 4th of July outing to Flaming Gorge.  This is the first trip of my new not working life.

Our plan is to put in at Brinegar Crossing and take out at Lucerne Valley with a day paddle thru Horseshoe Canyon.

Wednesday, 03 July 2019

Gary arrived at my place at the appointed time of 11:30 and we were headed away by 12:15 so packing time was 45 minutes.  We phone Lori and the next stop is our meet-up point at Ted’s Place, just north of Fort Collins.  We take Airport to 17th to Main St / Hwy 287 and north to 14th in Loveland, west to Wilson, north on Wilson / Taft Hill to Hwy 287 and on to Ted’s Place.  Drive time in 70 minutes which seems normal though Gary thought going up 75th may be quicker despite the slow zone thru Hygiene.

We meet up, chat a minute and then are on our way.  Next stop is the Wyoming Boat Inspection station just shy of Laramie then the Flying J just west of Rawlins for gas then on to Green River.

We pass thru the south west side of Green River at 6:15 which makes the drive time 6 hours, again about normal.  We head south on Hwy 530 to Road 11 where we have camped before.  This time we go a bit further toward the lake.  Wes spies a bench with a rock outcropping and leads the way.  It’s a nice spot with a great view of the lake and we are home for the night.

It stays light till at least 9:30, a nice treat.  Gary and I set up our bivy.  I am glad I have that pile/plaid jacket as the wind comes up during the night and its chillier than I expect.   I woke up a couple times to a clear star-filled sky.

Friday, 05 July 2019

Again, we got up just after 7, made breakfast, struck camp, pumped water, finished packing and paddled about 10:15 or so.

Again, we stay on the east side of the lake.  Yesterday, looking at the map I notice there was a pipeline (after wondering what the 2 upcoming towers were).  As it turns out, the pipeline actually crosses above the lake! 

We continue, stopping for lunch in a cove about a mile north of Lucerne.  From our lunch spot we paddle down around the Antelope Flats Access Point.  There a bay / cove on the south side.  Wes found us a spot at the farthest end.  Home, just as it seems the daily storm would overtake us.  But today’s was mild.  After setting us, we got to relax and drink a beer.  I go an fetch an abandoned raft, perfect for Gary’s grandchildren.  Relax a bit more and do a drawing.