​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Poudre River Town Run

16 June 2013

This outing was with the Poudre Paddlers.  We met at the Shields Street put-in at 9:30, quickly unloaded, and walked our boats to the bike path.  We re-grouped and headed for the take out parking area which is in a business park just west of the Poudre, on the north side of Prospect.  There we jump into Jim’s van and head back to the put-in. 

There we pack our boats, gear up and in no time are one the water.  First thing for me is to ferry back and forth a few times:  The flow is at 370, moving but not pushy.

The river here is lined with trees, grass and willows:  an oasis within a city.  Once we are underway, it seems we are far removed from the city life and in only a few places does the city intrude upon the river though there is a bike path for the entire distance.

I keep looking for comparisons with other rivers.  It seems like there are more cottonwoods along here compared to the St. Vrain though there is a geographic difference to as Ft Collins is on the plains whereas Lyons is tucked into the foothills.  Lyons being in the rain shadow of Longs Peak is also drier than Fort Collins.

Anyway, we are underway.  First landmark is crossing under the Shields Street Bridge.  The river is relatively flat here, with none of the busyness of the St Vrain.  Verdant is how I would describe it, lined with cottonwoods, willows and grasses.  We continue and there is a small riffle we drop down, easy enough, more flat water and more riffle.  Very straightforward, which is good to know since I bailed on this section in canoe class. 

Before long, we are at the footbridge and park which is just above our first portage.  We take out on river right (not a difficult spot) and put in again just below the dam.  Putting, back in, we need to ferry out and be in the current before turning as there are obstructions just downstream to avoid.  Next is the railroad bridge to go under, then College Ave (Hwy 287).

Next obstacle is the ‘cheese-grater’, a cement dam impaled with rocks of various sizes.  We take out, get our boats up on the bike path then down to take a look.  There is first a dam with what appears to be a boat chute down the center, fairly straight-forward.  But we walk further:  there it is , the ‘cheese-grater’, a cement dam impaled with rocks of various sizes!  Most of us portage then continue downstream in a leisurely manner to the take-out at Prospect Road.   

A really nice in-town adventure