​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Crow Valley

20 April 2019

Anne’s Big Adventure #1

Arrival at Crow Creek Recreation Area was around 12:30, so maybe around a 2 hour drive.  On the way, I stopped at Briggsdale hoping to get some lunch.  There was a little store; no homemade food just the standard convenience store choices though I did get a bottle of water.

There is an area of picnic tables set amongst a grove of cottonwoods.  Singing birds abound. No sign of leaves on the trees.  I want to do some drawing here but the next step is to get on my bike and ride.  My goal is simply to see what there is to see.

First I headed down the trail along the creek.  The campground host said bikes were allowed but the sign clearly states no bikes.  But I went about a mile before turning around at a fence and taking a picture of the prairie view.  This would be a great bird walking trail, especially as the creek fills with water.

Back at the car, I pull out the map.  It looks like if I head north about 5 miles, then west, I’ll find what looks to be a signed 2-track.  But there was no sign and no 2-track.  I continued west, then north, then around a couple of more zig-zags then east back to the paved road and south to road 96.  There is a big sign about this being a birding trail so I park and get out my bike.

This time, there is a 2 track going south, which ends before long at a dry cattle trough. 

Back I go.  Now I peddle west for a mile or so and come to an informational sign and another 2-track going north.  I take this 2 track which hugs the fence lie then dips down to a small reservoir.  I stop and pull out the map.  Turns out, this is the same reservoir and 2 track that I had my eye on earlier.  I continue and soon the track splits.  I veer west, down into a grove of 3 or 4 cottonwoods and I wonder if this is an old homestead site though I do not see any indication of one.  The trees are full of red-winged black birds!

I decide to return as I still want to draw before heading home.  I do one sketch at the car then head back to the picnic area and do another.

Then head home.  A good outing!