​​In The Shadow of Longs Peak

Olallie Lake

Tuesday 14 September 2021 thru Thursday 16  September 2021

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Eight years ago this week was the Lyon's Flood.   I was camping with Kari in the same area as we are headed to today. 

We left from our Seattle place, her home, and went to PCC for breakfast.  Left there at 11:30, drove south on I-5, getting off at US 12, going east to Randle. Then south out of Randle on CR 121 which becomes FR (forest Road) 23. 

We stay on FR 23 for 30 miles then take to FR 2329 for less than a mile to FR 5601, then less than a mile to Olallie Lake Campground.  It is about 4 PM.  We like site 4, close to the lake, shaded and private.

But we decide to check out Takhlakh Lake before deciding.  We head back to FR 2329 and continue for about a mile. This lake and campground is definitely more crowded so we head back Oallie Lake Campground and occupy site 4. 

Oh, the Fee station is blocks off so no fee! 

All is well. Camping is much better than just hanging out. Though I am glad for that time, now feeling very renewed and energized.  I am even wondering how to learn more about my camera and taking pictures! 

Wednesday 15 September 2021 

Today we did two outings.

The first was to find the Chain Of Lakes campground. There are two gravel roads off FR 2329.  We bypass the first thinking it’s the second.  But turns out we are on FR 2329. we drive up there to check and it’s a good gravel road.  The says Horse Creek Lake, 7 miles.  So we turn around, drive back to Takhlakh Lake, drive around that campground which is huge and takes reservations. 

Now, we go back to NFS 022 which is the road to Chain of Lakes which is only a mile or so further.   It is a nice area that no longer is a campground.  There is no outhouse.  The lake is quite a bit smaller than either Takhlakh or Oallie. 

We find trail 116 but it does not go around the lake as expected.  Instead,  it soon drops down into a 

deep gorge. There are views of Mt. Adams and a couple of lower peaks to our left.  After about 30 minutes we tum around. 

We head back to camp for lunch then we explore Oallie.  There is no official trail so we follow a fisherman’s trail, but it peters out in no time so we head back to camp.

Now what?

We decide to head back to Takhlakh Lake and hike there which does have a nice trail around the lake.  I take a photo of Mt. Adams.  In retrospect I wish I had tried to photo the bridge from across the lake.

A nice day

Thursday 16 September 2021 

We get up, pack up, and head back to Seattle.

There are leftovers for dinner, unpacking the car, re-packing, taking a shower.

Thursday, 09 September 2021

We drove to Copalis Beach, west of Olympia.  

Wednesday, 08 September 2021

We hiked to Barclay Lake.  The trailhead is northeast of Seattle.  

Monday, 06 September 2021

We hiked to Snoquera Falls.  The trailhead is southeast of Seattle.

Seattle Country

5 September 2021 thru 17 September 2021

Sunday, 05 September 2021

We visited Lincoln Park in West Seattle.